
Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono
Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono

where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono

An authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy should have honey-brown cotton canvas lining. There is also a noticeable difference in the color of the lining on both bags. Something we also noticed that cannot be seen in photographs is that the hardware on the authentic Speedy is convex (curving outward), whereas on the fake Speedy, it is flat. As seen in the photograph below, the fake Speedy leather tabs too long, is overlapping the stitching too much, and the positioning of the brass hardware is too high. The leather tab should be slightly oval, with the date code embossed and have brass hardware with 'Louis Vuitton' embossed. Just because a Speedy bag has a date code, it does not necessarily mean it is authentic! Date codes on Louis Vuitton Speedy bags can be found behind the inner pocket on a leather tab. When comparing the two handbags bags side by side, you can see a clear difference between the authentic leather handles and the fake ones. You will notice the leather handles on the authentic Speedy are visibly darker compared to the replica. Louis Vuitton leather handles are made from Vachetta leather, which darkens as the bag ages. The stamped logo on the leather tab is positioned closer to the stitching on the authentic Speedy compared to the fake one. You will also notice other subtle differences on the leather tab. In the picture below, you will see the differences in the font with the authentic (left) and the fake (right). If this is not the case with a bag you are about to purchase, you can guarantee that it is not authentic. The 'O' must be a circle shape and not an oval shape. One of the first things we always look at is the font of the heat stamp on the leather tab - specifically the 'O'. Hard to tell, right? Keep reading to find out the main differences we noticed between both bags when comparing them side by side. The fake on is actually the one on the right. So, how can you tell if the Louis Vuitton Speedy bag that you are about to buy online is the real deal? We've put together a simple step-by-step guide to be sure.īelow, we have a photo of two monogram Louis Vuitton Speedy bags. Some obvious, and some, well, a little trickier to catch. When you think designer copies, Louis Vuitton handbags are probably one of the first to come to mind. This is why we always ensure that all of our products are authentic. We specialize in selling pre-owned designer bags, shoes, clothing and accessories. We want all of our buyers to feel confident about every purchase they make inside Sabrina's Closet.

Where is the date code on louis vuitton neverfull nm mono